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Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science

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Instructions to authors..../ Instructions aux auteurs....

Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science (NJHS)

THE ARTICLE: This should be of Horticultural interest and should include: Full length of original research not previously published elsewhere, research notes with brief report of new findings of importance to Horticultural workers and general readers.

ELGIBILITY: Publication in the journal is open to all members of HORTSON engaged in horticultural crops production, economics and extension. Membership in the society is not a requirement for publication; authors are however urged to consider membership as we hope to compel at least one author of papers to be HORTSON member.

THE MANUSCRIPTS: Manuscripts should be written as concisely as possible of full length reports of original research acceptable to reviewers and general readers.

Manuscripts should be double spaced on one side only on quarto paper and with all pages serially numbered. Ample margins of at least 3cm should be allowed on the 4 sides of each page in the text.

Title and Authors (capitalised): The title should give a unique concise description of the contents of the paper. The names, affiliations and addresses of author are given directly below the title. If more than two addresses are involved, all addresses except that of the senior author should appear in footnote of page 1.

ABSTRACT: An abstract of the paper immediately follows the author's name and affiliation. This should be concise summary of the findings being reported. The abstract should not be more than 250 words. Provide not more than 6 keywords after the abstract. The headings shall consist of an Introduction, Materials and Methods. Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References. Avoid secondary headings to the barest minimum Manuscripts should be submitted in triplicates ans should not exceed 15,000 words with N500 administrative fee. Headings are to be on the left hand side and capitalized.

Authors acknowledgements may be briefly stated as a footnote to page 1. Reduce footnotes in the text to a minimum.

Varietal and Cultivar names should be in Italics except where they appear in tables and legends.

TABLES AND FIGURES: Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Each table should be typed separately on quarto sheets and inserted after the page on which reference to it was first made. Vertical lines should not be used to separate tables.

Group statistical analysis in columns at the right or at the bottom of tables. All table headings should be lower cased with only the first letter capitalized. E.g. “Effect of irrigation row cover and seed preparation on germination of lettuce”.

Figures, line drawings and photographs are referred to as figures and are numbered in Arabic. Photographs must be of good quality and in black and white. They must be mounted so that they are easily detachable. Line drawings should be in water proof black ink (Indian ink) on smooth white card or good quality tracing paper.

ABBREVIATIONS: Long words or terms used frequently should be abbreviated e.g. a.m., p.m., ppm, cc, ml, NaCl, K2SO4, etc. The words should be named first in full with parenthetical references to the abbreviation used subsequently e.g. part per million (ppm).

REFERENCES: Adopt the Harvard system i.e. name of author(s) and date of publication should appear in the text e.g. for books: Janick, J. (1979). Horticultural Science, 3rd ed. Pp 181-327, San Francisco, Freeman and Company.

For Journal reference e.g. Holm, R. E. (1972). Volatile metabolites controlling germination in buried seed. Plant Physiology 50:293-297

If more than one author, Rhodes, M.J.C. and E. W. Yemm (1963) Development of Chloroplasts and the Synthesis of Proteins in leaves. Nature 200: 1077-1080.

References should be listed in alphabetical order.

No contribution can be considered by NJHS if it is currently under consideration by another journal.

PROCEDURE AFTER ACCEPTANCE: Accepted manuscript must be submitted on computer diskettes. Use the newest version of Word Perfect or Miscrosoft Word.

CORRESPONDENCE: Manuscripts and all communications on editorial matter should be addressed to the Editor, NJHS Dr. J. A. Fagbayide, Department of Agronomy, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. E-mail:[email protected]


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