International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications
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INASP Directory
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An international directory of organisations and activities working to improve production, access and dissemination of reliable information in and between developing and transitional countries


The International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) has now been in existence for ten years. During this time it has developed an extensive database holding a considerable amount of information or relevance to the flow and exchange of scientific and scholarly information.

The aim of this Directory is to be as comprehensive as possible in coverage of organisations and activities supporting any aspect of production, access to and dissemination of information and knowledge. It is hoped that it will be seen as a reference resource for all those interested in information provision, and in library and book development.

The information is also available full-text online from the INASP website <>, where the profiles will be updated on a regular and ongoing basis.


A team of colleagues have been involved in data collection and compilation, including Eleanora Bryant, Neil Pakenham-Walsh, Carol Priestley, Emma Rowbotham and Pru Watts-Russell. However, it is Fiona Mason who has put the final touches to updating and has brought the manuscript to publication and to whom our thanks for meticulous work must also be extended.

We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the US National Academy of Sciences and UNESCO.


Whereas every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of data included, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for accidental omissions or errors. The editors would be pleased if any errors in this edition or any additional programmes which could be included could be brought to their attention.

Oxford Carol Priestley

February 2002-02-24 Director


INASP is run from a small secretariat headed by a director, supported by eight other professional staff. The secretariat is responsible for maintaining the database, addressing requests for advice and information, facilitating a range of activities and programmes, and publishing a series of reference books and practical manuals. INASP maintains ongoing communication amongst users and Board members, coordinates with supporting agencies, and assists in the preparation of funding proposals for appropriate activities.

INASP activities and services include:

Advisory and referral network

INASP promotes collaboration and sharing of expertise and experience through its advisory and referral network, which involves more than 2000 organisations and individuals worldwide. Partners are kept up to date with current events in the field through the INASP Newsletter and the website.

Strengthens and supports the activities of organisations worldwide in providing access to reliable information for health professionals. Services include:

international advisory and referral network;

Health Information Forum: promotes international co-operation through workshops and electronic discussion;

mapping and information service on health information activities, needs and priorities worldwide.

Publishing Support Initiatives
a programme which aims to enable the results of research undertaken and published in Africa to become more widely known and accessible, and to strengthen the academic and scholarly publishing sector in Africa;

African Journals OnLine Publishing Project (AJOPP): a pilot project to explore the options available in electronic publishing, initially offering ten journals support to utilise electronic delivery and to evaluate whether this method increases journal use and sustainability;

Book and Journal Publishing (both print & electronic): activities include the facilitation of workshops, the publication of practical handbooks and assistance in utilising the potential of electronic publishing;

Support to libraries: Promoting the Development of African University Libraries: this includes travelling `Internet' workshops, institutional support to and a for management information;

Access to Information and Knowledge to the Public in Africa: this involves acting as technical advisor to the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the partners involved in their Public Library Revitalisation programme, in addition to a wide portfolio of practical activities.

Programme for the Enhancement of Research Information (PERI)

A four-component programme in support of research capacity building: E-journal procurement, `Internet' training, Journals OnLine programmes and Journal Management workshops.

The INASP database also takes into account those South institutions which publish the results of their research/experience and are willing to share them with other similar institutions and interested organisations.

INASP Directory

The directory is structured in three parts. The first has a focus on subject-specific organisations which have a specific subject or discipline coverage. Broad headings have been chosen to ensure the widest possible coverage. The second part looks at organisations that support book and library development, including distribution programmes and a small selection of funding agencies. The third part focuses on organisations with some specific programme responsibility for production, access and/or dissemination of information and knowledge.

Criteria for entry include relevance to the above; commitment to improving production, access and dissemination of information in and between developing and transitional countries; and provision of a relevant service or publication free of charge or at low cost.

The INASP Directory aims to be as comprehensive as possible in its coverage of organisations supporting library and book development and provision of reliable information for professionals in developing and transitional countries. The directory does not cover activities in primary/secondary level education. Also, this edition does not attempt to cover the full range of complementary information services on the internet such as e-mail discussion lists and specialist websites.

Data gathering

The present directory comprises 348 organisations. For this updated edition, 188 organisations were approached to update or provide their contact details, status, aims and objectives, target audience, countries of operation, background and origins of the organisation, current activities, publications, and future plans. There were 136 respondents (72%). Details for a further 122 organisations have been checked and updated from their websites. The remainder comprises numerous organisations with which INASP has regular contact.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the data is accurate and comprehensive. The editors recognise, however, that there will inevitably be some gaps. They would be pleased to receive details of any errors as well as information from any organisations that would like to be included in future editions.

Guidelines on the use of the Directory

This directory is intended as a reference resource for all those interested in library and book development, and information provision. The majority of the organisations included are involved in work that goes well beyond the donation of materials. This directory should therefore not be used indiscriminately as a mailing list to solicit items. This is counterproductive to the needs of the requesting institution, the work of the organisations concerned and the philosophy behind INASP. Rather, it should be used to build professional relationships and to share information. This can be particularly successful on a targeted subject basis. Once relationships have been established partners can appreciate and understand each others needs and interests, and therefore respond to them in a more positive and meaningful way.

How to establish contacts and request support

The INASP office provides advice and assistance on the most appropriate ways of identifying partners or funders. Some guidance is provided within individual entries in the Directory. However, the broad guidelines below have been written to assist libraries and institutions to begin the process of dialogue.

Requests for support from bilateral and multilateral governmental or international organisations sometimes have to be made through the requesting country's own government channels to the local office of the agency concerned. In many instances, however, bilateral arrangements between individual institutions provide an easier channel, and individual approaches to non-governmental organisations, professional bodies and associations, and learned societies are recommended.

If agencies have local representatives, it is often helpful to develop contacts before making a firm request. Potential partners should be invited to visit the institution and library. Work already in progress and the context of the support needed should be described.

Whatever the kind of funder and regardless of whether there is a local representative or not, requests stand a greater chance of success if they are systematically and carefully composed:

Make clear the objectives of the request: what is wanted, why, and who will benefit.

Convince the agency that the library can actually handle the support if it were to be given. Describe what facilities exist, the staffing arrangements and so on. Show how existing services are used.

Explain what, if anything, the agency stands to gain. It is useful if the institution can show how support will enhance the agency's objectives. Try to match a request with the agency's current interests (but note that these change with time).

Confirm that the request for support has official approval from the management of the institution.

Emphasise the investment the institution itself is making.

If possible, build in a multiplier effect, for example by emphasising cooperation with other libraries/organisations or a regional mandate.

Cross-references in bold within profiles indicate that there is an individual entry for that organisation elsewhere in the directory.

For communications regarding entries in the INASP Directory, please write to:

Anne Powell, Programme Manager, INASP
58 St Aldates, Oxford OX1 1ST, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1865 249909 Fax: +44 1865 251060

E-mail: [email protected] 

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