African Journals OnLine
East African Medical Journal

Issues Available About the Journal

Instructions to authors.../ Instructions aux auteurs...

The East African Medical Journal is published every month. It is intended for publication of papers on original work and reviews of all aspects of medicine. Communications bearing on clinical and basic research on problems relevant to East Africa and other African countries will receive special attention. Papers submitted for publication are accepted only on the understanding they will not be published elsewhere without the permission of the Editor-in-Chief

All manuscripts and correspondence should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief, East African Medical Journal, P.O. Box 41632, Nairobi. The Editor-in-Chief is prepared to accept papers, which should be presented in a concise form, short communications, case reports, and review articles of up to 1,000 words. Contributions, which should be in triplicate, must be type-written, double spaced throughout, on one side of the paper, with a wide margin. Contributors are also requested to send three copies of Tables and Figures. The following information must be type-written on one side of the paper in double-spacing. 

1. Title of paper.
2. Author's name(s) and signatures of each author, degrees and present address with the name of the institution where the work was carried out.
3. A declaration to the effect that the paper has not been presented nor published elsewhere, and where possible the paper should have signatures of all the authors.
4. Name and address of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
5. A short succinct summary, which is comprehensive in itself, informative but not descriptive, and not exceeding 200 words, e.g.
Descriptive type of summary:- A series of cases of food poisoning is reported and their causation discussed
Informative type of summary:- Fifteen people fell ill with vomiting an hour after eating crocodile soup. Skin tests showed that they were hypersensitive to crocodile. 
6. Receipt of grants, if any. 

Three copies of each in the form of unmounted photographs on glossy paper should be sent. They should not be inserted in the text but should be numbered on the back with figure numbers. caption, title of paper, and name of authors(s). The photographs should be marked 'Top' where necessary. Photographs, graphs and diagrams will be referred to as figures and should be numbered in Arabic numerals and typed on a separate sheet. Each illustration should be accompanied by a legend clearly describing it on a separate sheet of paper. The position of illustrations in the text should be clearly indicated.

The Editor-in.-Chief wtll only accept those Tables that are essential. Tables should be numbered consecutively, in the text, in Arabic numerals and typed on separate page.

Only papers clearly related to the author's work should be referred to; exhaustive lists should be avoided. When reference is made to work by more than one author, all names should be given. when quoted for the first time, followed by consecutive reference number, and thereafter only the first author, adding et al, and reference number. The references should be double-spaced and numbered consecutively according to appearance in the text. Journal references should include, in order, author's last name and then initials, title of paper, name of the Journal (Abbreviated according to the style of Index Medicus), and volume number in Arabic numerals, first page number, and year. Book references should bear author's last name, initials, title, edition number if other than first, publisher, town and year. Authors are asked to check the accuracy and completeness of their references. Examples follow: 

Journal articles
Oguda, M.J., Bhatia, S. and Eraj, Y. Respiratory acidosis in the African antelope. J. thorac. cardiovasc. Surg. 45:514, 1971. 

Ngurai, C.L. Adrenal Steroids in East Africans. Longmans Medical, 196 8.

Chapter of articles in books.
Warihiu, K.B., Ojwang, E.N. and White, S.C. (Eds). Haemoglobinopathies. Josiah Macy Foundation, International Symposium. East African Publishing House, Nairobi, 1964.

Page proofs: will be submitted wherever possible to contributors for minor corrections and should be returned within fourteen days. Authors are requested to notify changes of address to the Journal office to avoid delay in delivery of proofs. 

Reprints and offprints
Fifty offprints of each article are provided routinely and are available to authors on request at a nominal charge of USS 52.95 or Stg.£ 27.65 plus surface or airmail cost, payable in advance. Authors should submit a cheque together with their order for both offprints and any additional reprints when returning the proofs.

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