African Journals Online
The Lagos Business School Management Review

Issues Available About the Journal

Instructions to authors…/ Instructions aux auteurs…

The Lagos Business School Management Review is published by management professionals for practising managers, without sacrificing academic standards. The Review welcomes articles that enhance knowledge about the process of managing an organisation as well as reflect techniques, trends and issues growing out of management research relevant to Nigeria, or provide up-to-date information on various sectors of the economy, thereby assisting Chief Executive Officers and Senior Executives in solving problems and making decisions. Articles, research notes, reports and comments which concentrate on the application of existing research for business organisations are welcome. Preference will be given to articles that are widely applicable and of immediate usefulness to Nigerian executives.


Articles should be between 4,000 and 8,000 words long, although shorter contributions may also be considered. They should be written in clear, straightforward language, avoiding jargon and technical terms. An abstract of 100-150 words should be included, as well as a brief biographical note. Manuscripts should be double-spaced on one side of a page.

Contributors should submit three clear copies of their manuscript: one with a front page indicating the title of the article and the author'' full names, current position and where held; the other two copies without any identification of the writer. Manuscripts will be reviewed by two referees, whose comments will be transmitted to the writer. Once all revisions have been incorporated, copy for the final version should preferably be prepared on diskette. Therefore a 3˝-inch disk using WordPerfect or Microsoft Word, or electronic transmission through e-mail, could be especially timesaving. Electronic copies should be sent only at the final acceptance stage.

Tables, figures and graphs should be displayed on separate sheets from the text. Camera-ready copies should be supplied for all figures, graphs and maps. Please indicate the place in the text where they should be inserted. References should not be numbered in the test but should be listed at the end of the article in alphabetical order of authors.

All manuscripts should be sent to: 

The Editor, 
Lagos Business School Management Review, 
P.O. Box 73688 or 2 Ahmed Onibudo St.,
Victoria Island, 

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