International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications
58 St Aldates, Oxford OX1 1ST, UK
Tel: +44 1865 249909 Fax: +44 1865 251060
[email protected]


Number 5. November 1995.

In this issue:

Newsletter Editor: Ard Jongsma Contributors to this issue: Peter N Campbell, Jayshree Mamtora, Ana Marusic, Matko Marusic, Jeff Smith, Peter Walton.

The next Newsletter will be published in May 1996. If you would like to contribute to its contents or publicise your project, please write to the editorial address on the front page of this newsletter. Contributions must be received by 1 April 1996.

The International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications
27 Park End Street
Oxford OX1 1HU UK
Tel: + 44 (0) 181 997 3274
Fax: + 44 (0)181 810 9795
E-mail: [email protected]

No researcher can afford to neglect the exchange of ideas with his colleagues.

But for academics on, say, Fiji, Tuvalu, the Solomon or the Cook Islands, it takes a lot of effort to keep in touch with the outside world.

Information Exchange in the Pacific: PIC and PIMRIS

The information needs of the islands of the South Pacific are specific and probably unprecedented elsewhere. Their size and the corresponding biological and geographical characteristics make exchange of information an even more urgent matter than in many other places on this planet and problematic when the partners in an information network are separated from each other by thousands and thousands of square miles of water... The natural barrier has only been properly conquered in the last few decades with the introduction of wireless information transmission technologies. But now it works, and better than ever before, writes Jayshree Mamtora from Fiji.

The South Pacific region covers 30 million square kilometres of ocean an area comparable to the combined land area of Europe, the United States, Canada and Australia. The land area of the twenty two island states and territories of the region (also known as the South Pacific Commission countries) occupies less than 2 per cent of the ocean area.

The University of the South Pacific (USP) is a regional university established in 1968 to serve the needs of eleven countries in the region: Fiji, Cook Islands, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Western Samoa. Marshall Islands has since joined as the twelfth member. Although not members, the Maldives and the Federated States of Micronesia regularly send students to the USP.

In addition to providing a service to the University community, the main campus library based in Suva, Fiji, has attempted to respond to the information needs of the wider South Pacific region. Furthermore it has assumed roles normally performed by a national or special library. These activities include identification and collection of regional publications, production of regional biblio-graphies, acting as a depository, establishment and operation of an ISBN Centre; and provision of regional library services.

Many of these activities have been undertaken by the Library Pacific Information Centre (PIC), and more recently by its Pacific Islands Marine Resources Information System (PIMRIS). In 1982, with funding from the International Development Research Centre in Canada, PIC evolved from the Regional Bibliographic Centre which had been set up three years earlier. PIC's main objective is to identify, collect and record published and unpublished materials originating in the South Pacific region, or about the region, to ensure a complete collection of the region's publishing output. This information provides the base for PIC's major publications such as the South Pacific Bibliography.

Now a biennial publication, the Bibliography has become an important tool for libraries in the region. It serves as a guide not only for acquisitions, but also for cataloguing and classification purposes. Libraries and researchers outside the South Pacific region also depend on it for selection of Pacific material, which is often otherwise difficult to trace. Other major PIC publications include the South Pacific Periodicals Index and the South Pacific Research Register. Special bibliographies are also produced by PIC from time to time. Titles include: Environmental Issues in the South Pacific: a Bibliography; Nuclear Issues in the South Pacific: a Bibliography; Preliminary Bibliography on Traditional Science and Technology in the Pacific.

The role of focal points that together make up the PIC network is to assist in the collection of material originating in the region. The PIC network is not restricted to USP member countries but extends to the wider region. PIC attempts to maintain contact with its focal points not only through its quarterly newsletter but also through satellite meetings to discuss and exchange ideas. The once annual PIC Advisory Committee Meetings have, unfortunately, not taken place since 1991, when Canadian funding ceased. However the publication activities of the centre continue, and indeed grow.

Responding to a regional information need, the PIMRIS Coordinating Unit was established in 1989 under the umbrella of PIC. Once again funding was made available from Canada, this time through the International Center for Ocean Development. The primary mandate of PIMRIS was to develop a regional information service for fisheries and marine resources. This entails the organised collection, bibliographic recording and dissemination of information about marine resources in the region; the production of a series of publications including specialised bibliographies and a quarterly newsletter; provision of professional advice and training in the establishment and organisation of departmental libraries.PIMRIS publications include: Fiji Fisheries Bibliography, A Selected Bibliography on Seaweed Aquaculture Research and Development, Bibliography on Marine Pollution Problems in the Pacific Islands.

PIMRIS operates as a cooperative network in association with the Forum Fisheries Agency, the South Pacific Commission and the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. Just as PIC attempts to meet regional information needs rather than restrict its activities to USP member countries, PIMRIS also responds to requests for information or assistance from the whole of the South Pacific region.

Further information about PIC and PIMRIS may be obtained from:

Jayshree Mamtora
Pacific Information Centre
University of the South Pacific Library
P.O. Box 1168 Suva

Fax: + 679 300830
E-mail: [email protected]

Bridge to Asia

'... even in the best of circumstances, more often than not, the wrong information in the wrong forms goes to the wrong people ...'

For our regular feature small-scale and targeted we looked this time for a charity operating in South East Asia. Not much to our surprise they were hard to find. We did however come across a charity in Oakland, California which raised our interest. The Bridge to Asia Foundation (BtA) organises donations of books and journals to mostly China, the Philippines, Cambodia and Vietnam. The entry we have in our directory raised some questions with which we approached the foundation.

In the following article Jeff Smith, President of BtA explains how Bridge to Asia avoid disposing of excess inventory when they are largely dependent on donations from used-book wholesalers, which mechanisms they use for the collection of data on recipients' requests, and who BtA receive funding from. His extensive answer seems of interest to anyone sending regular donations to wherever in the world. The final paragraph gives a summary of the lessons BtA have learned since they started operations '2.5 million books ago'. A good one to remember for many of us.

We try to avoid simply disposing of excess inventory by asking recipients to advise us frequently and frankly about problems with whatever materials we provide, and adjust subsequent shipments as they advise us. We have done this sort of fine-tuning of donations for more than eight years and continue doing so, educating our donors in the process. This feedback enables us to track the shifts in interest among recipients, as well as to avoid the waste of materials and resources that is typical of the book donation process.

The question as you put it seems to assume that used book wholesalers do not provide useful materials.We think donations from used college book wholesalers are superior in content value and diversity to donations we have seen from most publishers.

Used college book wholesalers buy and sell titles in common use at major universities, and the textbooks they give to us capture the contents of most university subjects and represent a rich sampling of course contents. If we were to seek titles in the arts and sciences from one publisher or another, we would be less likely to receive as many useful materials.

Another way to answer the question is to emphasise that we work in Asia, and mostly in China where more than 300 million people use English at some level. The numbers of Chinese who do, as well as their fluency levels, are increasing. So there is a great and growing demand for English language books and other materials. We distribute our donations through the university system of the State Education Commission, and reach some 400-500 schools and other end-users that include scientific and technical schools, 'liberal arts' universities, research centres, and others. The materials we send, which we match to the needs of users as well as we can, are eagerly received by this number and diversity of recipients.

The three distribution centres which we use in China are the libraries of major research universities. They receive donations from us in the form of container-loads of approximately 10,000 books each. The centres sort and shelve the books by subject. In the past, lists of titles were sent to potential recipients who ordered books by fax or paper mail. The centres no longer produce donation lists, but alert potential recipients by phone or mail regarding the arrival of shipments, and recipients appear in person at the centre(s) to select their books.

Our work is funded by private foundations, U.S. and Chinese government agencies, corporations and individuals. Recipients who can afford to do so pay small transfer fees to help cover the costs of freight and in-country distribution. As the number and scope of our projects increase (we are now using the Internet to do much of our work, through several 'information-transfer stations'» in fields critical to development, sending information electronically rather than in paper forms), the fundraising challenge has increased, and we have recruited several experienced volunteers to help with fund development.

The essential lesson we have learned from sending 1.5 million books and other materials to China, and more than 1 million to other countries in South-east Asia, is that donated books and journals are a weak solution to the information gap. Inevitably, as hard as one tries to avoid it, donations and the donation process itself are determined or controlled primarily by donors' interests and orientations rather than by recipients' needs. We have also found that there are few standards in this field, and that most programmes and personnel include generalists rather than specialists (while we think graduate and professional training are essential to conceive and implement effective projects), and that even in the best of circumstances, more often than not, the wrong information in the wrong forms goes to the wrong people. The number of groups which do this work well is small only a handful of programmes known to us perform worthwhile service while the needs for information in developing countries continue to mount.

Jeff Smith
President, Bridge to Asia

For more information contact:

Bridge to Asia Foundation
1214 Webster Street, Suite F
Oakland CA 94612

Tel: + 1 510 834 3081
Fax: + 1 510 834 0962

The Bridge to Asia Foundation

Bridge to Asia provides informational materials, and research and document-delivery services, to institutions and individuals in developing countries in Asia.

The organisational goals are to transfer information and knowledge, not to dispose of publishers' excess inventory and to place control of the information transfer process with users.

Countries presently being served include China, the Philippines, Cambodia and Vietnam. Others soon to be included are Laos, Mongolia, Indonesia, Burma, and possibly countries in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

To procure hard-copy materials, Bridge to Asia largely relies on donations by used book wholesalers, and on donations by US professional and academic organisations.

To distribute materials Bridge to Asia uses centres in China, the Philippines, Cambodia and Vietnam that reach some 500 recipient universities, libraries and schools. The centres are managed by librarians and staff of the State Education Commission of China, Bridge to Asia/Philippines, Phnom Penh University, Hanoi University, and others.

Recipients contact the centres in person or by correspondence to select materials, and some centres charge transfer fees to recover their costs.

In a new effort, Bridge to Asia is creating several Internet-based 'information-transfer stations' that help to provide users in China and other countries with electronic access to information resources worldwide.

(Extract from INASP Directory 1995)

Access to agricultural publications in the Pacific

The European Union supports agricultural research in the Pacific region through 11 projects of the Pacific Regional Agricultural Programme (PRAP). One of these projects, operating under the obscure code name PRAP Project 9 Agricultural Information Support was designed to improve access to and utilisation of agricultural information. Peter Walton assists with setting up the program and in this article describes its aims and objectives.

The main objective of Project 9 is to improve access to and use of agricultural information in the eight countries in the region that are signatories to the Lomé Convention (the so-called Pacific ACP states).

Project countries are Fiji, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Western Samoa. It is anticipated that by the end of the Project in April 1998, there will be a radical improvement in provision of well-equipped, well-organised, well-managed agricultural libraries, bright, cheerful, helpful information centres, better trained staff (including staff able to train others), more capable users, more plentiful, more timely scientific publications, especially in agricultural journals, and more appropriate, more plentiful extension-type publications that truly extend the results of scientific research to the farmers and growers in the region.

A series of national agricultural librarians workshops will begin in early November (in Fiji). One of the concerns the workshop will address is lack of awareness of agricultural publications available locally and in the region. For example, there is, in general, poor access to agricultural textbooks for secondary and tertiary students. The books are not available in local bookshops. Those textbooks that are stocked tend to be inappropriate.

By not only having publishers' catalogues but also display copies of recommended textbooks at the workshops, librarians and agriculture teachers will be introduced to the available literature.

A compendium of guidelines, procedures and advice for agricultural libraries and information centres is being put together by the Project to demonstrate its commitment to transferring suitable technologies.

The compendium will be published as a small, practical handbook in 1996, but a loose-leaf version will be maintained for all collaborating sites to ensure that everyone is kept up to date.

The Project is concerned that the results of agricultural research in the region have been poorly documented. All three agricultural journals published in the region are seldom up-to-date and appear only irregularly. In part this is because of institutional difficulties (funding, staff) but mostly it is because of a lack of confidence in presenting the results of scientific research in such a public arena as a journal or as a published technical report.

Considerable emphasis will be given by the Project on improving the skills and confidence of Pacific scientists in writing scientific and technical papers and reports. Scientific writing workshops will be held at national level during the next 12 months. Numbers of young scientists want to sign up for these courses and the first two back-to-back workshops, will be held in Papua New Guinea in late 1995.

Workshops on improving the presentation of information in an extension-type format will also be carried out the national level. At present most extension leaflets and posters try to convey too much information in an inappropriate format and as a result, fail. This is disheartening for the scientist and equally so for the extension agent who is left without the means to assist farmers. A series of national workshops will focus on techniques of layout and design and how to present information at an appropriate level, simply and effectively.

The Project will actively collaborate with other agencies in the region, particularly the South Pacific Commission and the University of the South Pacific, to ensure no duplication of effort and to maximise individual strengths.

The vehicle for collaboration remains SCAINIP the Standing Committee on Agricultural Information Networking in the Pacific. Working with SCAINIP partners, updates of regional and institutional databases are being distributed throughout the region.

As can be seen, there are plenty of exciting activities under way. But for the Project to be considered a success it must be sustainable long after the experts have left and funds expended. Together with two other PRAP Projects (Project 8 on biometrics and Project 11 on technology transfer and linkages), the Project will work closely with the departments of agriculture to achieve this degree of sustainability.

Peter Walton For more information about PRAP Project 9, contact:

Pacific Regional Agricultural Programme
Private Mail Bag

Tel + 679 315 148
Fax + 679 315 075
E-mail: [email protected]


PRAP Project 9 began operation in May 1995. However, the Project is not a new project in the strict sense of the term, but a continuation of efforts over several years, by regional agencies such as the South Pacific Commission (SPC) and the University of the South Pacific (USP), with considerable support from the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and with funding from the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and Japan.

PRAP Project 9 builds particularly upon the work carried out by the SPC Agricultural Information Service and the preparatory stage (1991-1994) of the Pacific Agricultural Information System project.

New Spanish INASP contact

Requests for literature in the Spanish language have proved to be problematic for INASP to respond to adequately. We have still not come across support programmes which cater on a reasonable scale for the scientific world in Latin America and the Caribbean. However, as from this winter we have been offered support from inside the Spanish scientific community.

Spanish organisations involved in distributing science information can now contact Dra Rosa de la Viesca, Director of the Centro de Información Cientifica (CIC) in Madrid at the address given below, in Spanish. From there information will be passed on to the INASP office in London. The CIC has also offered to mediate for specific requests from Latin America and the Caribbean.

Dra Rosa de la Viesca
Centro de Información Cientifica
Joaquin Costa, 22
28002 Madrid

Struggle for Visibility
A small Journal in a Small Country

Three years ago the Acta Facultatis Medicae Zagrabiensis was renamed the Croatian Medical Journal. With the change of name a whole change of policy took place behind the scenes. Internally, much thought was given to the question whether a small, re-emerged country like Croatia needed a medical journal with international aspirations. Much of these considerations were shared with the journal's audience through publications in the following years. Progress was slow, but steady. Editors-in-chief Ana and Matko Marusic's report about problems and solutions is one to which many publishers of small and emerging journals will be able to relate.

The conditions for starting a new medical journal in Croatia three years ago were very unfavourable. Croatia is a small Balkan post-communist war-torn country, and this string of adjectives to its name does not sound promising. The scientific research in Croatia also carried the burden of war destruction and devastation and the legacy of the old system. Foreign help was almost non-existent, except for bilateral scientific co-operation agreements with some European states and the USA. Lastly, the political instability in the region had already taken its toll.

Our primary goal with publication of the Croatian Medical Journal (CMJ) was to create a journal in English that would be a central biomedical journal in Croatia setting the standards for publishing in biomedical research as high as possible. We aimed to push Croatian scientists out of the false security of domestic journals and encourage them to enter the international arena. The Editorial Board thus centred its efforts on working with the authors.

As domestic scientists often lack the skills needed for publishing scientific articles in international journals, we have developed a pre-review system of processing the manuscripts which proved to be a crucial factor in improving the quality of the journal. Such author-friendly manuscript processing starts in the editorial office, where the editor in chief or a member of the editorial board reads the submitted article and decides on the quality of its content, not yet evaluating form and appearance.

If the scientific quality of the data merits their presentation, the manuscript is returned to the author with detailed instructions on how to improve the presentation of the data. The main errors encountered are the poor construction of the manuscript sections, unclear tables and poor quality or unnecessary figures and tables, poor presentation of the data, poor English, incomplete references, etc.

The author is asked to make all requested corrections and send the manuscript back to the editorial office.

This pre-reviewing system may be repeated several times until the editor is satisfied with the quality of the presentation. Then the article is sent out for two peer reviews, one at home and one abroad. It is our experience that scientists from other countries are very willing to help and generally very prompt with their reviews. If the reviewers consider the manuscript acceptable, the author again has to make all the requested corrections. The final version of the manuscript is then checked and corrected by a full-time professional manuscript editor with a BA in English. The manuscript is finally read by a member of the Editorial Board who is sufficiently proficient in the English language to check the final version for any remaining flaws.

Such elaborate time consuming (voluntary) work of the Editorial Board resulted in an increased flow of often poorly prepared manuscripts. Some authors even tried to submit articles in Croatian, hoping that we would have them translated. This was discouraged from the beginning by requesting a translation fee. Nobody paid, and the articles now come in translated.

The second important factor in improving the quality of the journal was its preparation for printing. The first few issues were prepared by ourselves because we knew how to operate DTP software. When the CMJ became the official journal of the World Association of Croatian Physicians, we found a new and very co-operative publisher, Mr. Wolfgang Pabst from Lengerich, Germany. However, the distance between us and our German publisher, as well as the language barrier, adversely affected the quality of the final appearance of the journal. Sometimes we were not satisfied with the printed issue, fonts got changed, figures scanned and prepared in a different way, etc. Those flaws were not serious and sometimes scarcely visible, but the journal was not perfect in our eyes. We therefore went back to final preparation of the journal in the editorial office. Now we scan all the figures, make the final lay-out of the issue and send camera-ready pages to the publisher.

This has several advantages, but the main one is that we can work on the issue until we are completely satisfied,. making last-minute changes when necessary, adjusting the required number of pages, sizes of tables, etc. The investment in equipment was worth the result; we have all issues saved in digital format and we cannot blame anyone but ourselves for the mistakes. Additional improvement was the appointment of a person responsible for the layout: a young medical scientist with extensive knowledge about computers and statistics who provides the last filter for each manuscript in terms of validating data presentation.

The third factor influencing the quality of the journal is its visibility. In a vast number of medical journals, another general medical journal is hardly visible. One of our primary goals was to make CMJ recognisable in areas specific to our region but of interest to a wider audience, primarily in the research of the effects of war and post-communist changes on the transformation of the health care system etc. We hope that our reports on war surgery, refugee health problems, psychological aspects of war and transition from communism towards western-style democracy may contribute to the prevention of similar disasters elsewhere.

Unfortunately the last, but not least factor for the survival and presentation of a journal, its marketing, was rather neglected. We believe that at least three to five years are needed to establish a new journal and make it recognisable. The arrangements with our present publisher were based on this thought. We presently survive on the support from the Croatian Ministry of Science and Technology (for running the editorial office), the World Association of Croatian Physicians, and our publisher (for printing and distribution). Plans are underway to make a joint presentation with some other newly established journals, such as the Acta Medica Baltica, from his publishing office. We have decided to put our efforts also in the journal presentation on the Internet, which may prove more efficient and cheaper than the standard ways of marketing.

We are sure that the only recipe for success is constant improvement of the quality and scientific value of the published articles. All other things, such as international acclaim or coverage by international indices will follow the quality.

Ana Marusic Matko Marusic Co-editors-in-Chief

Croatian Medical Journal
Zagreb University School of Medicine
Salata 3
41000 Zagreb

Tel: + 385 1 4566 903
Fax: + 385 1 4566 724
E-mail: [email protected]

1. Marusic M. The first issue of the Croatian Medical Journal. Croatian Med J 1992; 33:1-2
2. Lackovic Z. Editorial: Who needs the Croatian Medical Journal? Croatian Med J 1992; 33:67-77
3. Marusic A. Croatian medical Journal: A small country's window to the world. European Science Editing 1993; 50:9-10
4. Nylenna M. The future of medical journals: An editor's view. Croatian Med J 1994; 35:195-198
5. Marusic A. Who needs the Croatian Medical Journal? - Three years after. Croatian Med J 1995; 36:78-80

Letter to the editor

From Prof P. Campbell We received the following letter which we would like to share with our readers. In his letter, Prof Campbell poses some questions shared by many, but not often widely publicised.

Readers are invited to respond. A 'public' debate on the value of local/national science publishing in future issues of the newsletter would be of great value for anyone working with the matter.

Dear Sir,

I read your Newsletter dated May 1995 with much interest but with a feeling that many of the articles concerning the improvement of the publication of scientific research in developing countries lacked reality. I was struck in particular by the statements following the workshop in Guadalajara which listed the reasons for the «paramount importance» of publications and the report on the work of the ICSU Committee on Capacity Building in Science.

As one who has been concerned with several British Council Links in Africa and elsewhere and who edits an international journal, I have given much thought to the concerns mentioned above and readily admit that I have no easy solutions. There are, however, several ground rules that must be acknowledged and followed.

Publication is an essential and integral component of any research project. No scientist has the right to expect public support unless he/she is prepared to submit his results and conclusions to scientific scrutiny by his peers and is willing to act on the criticisms. (I am aware that there is some dispute as to the impartiality of peer reviews but it is my belief that in general the system works well.) In view of the current state of scientific research in developing countries such peers are unlikely to be found within them; rather they are likely to be found within the OECD countries. Since the language of science is now English it is a waste of time to submit a scientific paper in any other language.

If the above premises be accepted, then it follows that the best way to assist scientific publication from developing countries is to encourage the scientists to submit their papers to international journals, usually overseas, edited by those who are genuinely prepared to be constructive in their criticisms. In practice this means that journals which publish camera ready copy are out since in general they do not do a proper job of editing and peer review. Publication should not in itself be costly and there is no excuse for the use of journals that demand the payment of page charges even from those not in a position to pay them. It also follows that journals that are published by universities and institutions with local editorial boards should not be supported and even national journals should not usually be encouraged.

I realise that many of the views expressed above are contrary to those mentioned in your Newsletter but it is my contention that it is in the long run unkind to promote unrealistic proposals about the serious matter of the best utilisation of a scarce resource. I fully support the views expressed which aim to increase information exchange among scientists and every effort should be made to make international journals available to the libraries in developing countries. The efforts of INASP in these regions should be saluted and encouraged.

Peter N. Campbell
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University College London
London WC1E 6BT

Meetings and Conferences

CTA, Montpellier, 12-16 June

Montpellier this summer witnessed the gathering for a seminar on The Role of Information for Rural Development in ACP countries organised by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation (CTA). The Conclusions and Recommendations were published (very swiftly) last month.

The document is crammed with the usual information development jargon. A pity, because between the lines of the document some interesting shifts in bias emerge. They deserve the attention of a broader audience.

The rapid changes which have taken place in information needs, the players involved in the information exchange chain, the role of information professionals and information technology require a reconsideration of the appropriate action to be undertaken in support of a freer flow of information.

On some points the final document of the Montpellier meeting deviates considerably from the track which has been followed in recent years. Here is a summary of the most remarkable points:

With regard to information exchange the development vocabulary should replace the terms target groups and beneficiaries with actors and partners for these actors/partners will more and more be providers as well as users of information.

According to the writers it is time to move away from the wide distribution of plain scientific and technical information and towards information which includes economic, technical, social and cultural aspects of development instead. In addition the idea of information distribution should be shifted much more towards communication, implying two-way traffic instead of one-way information flooding. The report then goes into detail about how to achieve these goals.

Another interesting point made in the document is that of the changing role (and hopefully status) of documentalists, generally a sore point in librarians' 'speak'. The priority of documentalists should no longer be in the collection, storage and processing of information, but in its application, dissemination and communication.

The last point is crucial, although it is doubtful whether it has only become actual because of the changing information landscape. In many places documentalists have not proved to be the brightest exploiters of the treasures they were sitting on. The current trend towards recognition of the importance of readily available information will hopefully continue to push the profession out of the realms of ordinary stock-keeping and into the key role it really ought to play.

The Conclusions and Recommendations can be obtained from:

PO Box 380
6700 AJ Wageningen
The Netherlands

Tel: + 31 317 467100
Fax: + 31 317 460067

IFSE, Barcelona, 9-13 July

INASP also gave a presentation at the Eighth International Conference of the International Federation of Science Editors. This year's conference was held in Barcelona

Although many editors work relatively isolated from their colleagues in (to use the conference jargon) emerging regions, there is a growing awareness of the specific problems these editors face. With this awareness comes a greater urge to collaborate and develop other activities in support of small struggling journals.

There was a strong contingent of editors from Latin America, most notably from Brazil, which appeared very capable of illustrating creative survival techniques in Latin America. Lewis Greene's account on the Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research was particularly outstanding. We have invited him to write an abstract for the Newsletter as it might be helpful for editors and managers in similar circumstances.

At this conference no agreement was reached as to whether or not science publishing should be a strictly international business or whether local science publishing should be supported so heavily. The audience was too broad for any consensus and the emerging regions were not the main topic of the conference. Hopefully we will have some bold statements on the issue next time. A discussion in this particular arena could contribute greatly to the international debate.

No conference proceedings published yet.

More information from the IFSE-8 secretariat

Apartado 16009
E-08080 Barcelona

Notice Board

The INASP Newsletter Notice Board is a public forum for organisations and institutions wishing to advertise their projects, activities, offers or requests.

Short contributions can be sent to the editor at INASP.

Request for support with allelopathy translations

From the International Allelopathy Foundation in Haryana, India, we received a request for support with the translation of Russian books on allelopathy into English. INASP (as many organisations approached by Prof. Narwal earlier on) cannot find a specific response to this request. Anyone who could help with advice is kindly requested to contact: Prof. S.S.Narwal International Allelopathy Foundation CCS Haryana Agricultural University Hisar-125 004 Haryana INDIA

Request for back-runs from the Awassa College of Agriculture

The Awassa College of Agriculture in Sadoma, Ethiopia are urgently requesting back-runs of some of the journals to which they have recently taken out subscriptions.

The journals are:

Crop Protection 1988 - 1994

Weed Science 1989 - 1993

Annual Review of Entomology 1990 - 1994

Annual Review of Phytopathology 1990 - 1994

Phytoparasitica: Israel Journal of Plant Protection 1990 - 1994

If you are willing to make any of the above journals/volumes available for donation to Ethiopia please contact the INASP office in London.

TOOL starts collaboration with Backhuys Publishers

As an international mail order service for development organisations, training institutes and their employees, advisers, and students, TOOL Books is engaged in marketing relevant publications in a large range of professional disciplines.

Publishers in Africa, Asia and Latin America are invited to have their professional titles listed in the TOOL Books catalogue and to be included in promotion activities.

TOOL Books publishes and distributes practical and in-depth professional information in a large range of development disciplines. Issues covered are Sustainable Development, Science & Technology, Gender, Culture, Energy, Water & Sanitation, Waste Management, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Forestry, Aquaculture, Food Processing, Small-scale Enterprise Development, Human Settlement, Construction, Humanitarian Aid, Health, Primary Health Care and Nutrition.

TOOL Books is the trade name for TOOL Publications & Bookshop Ltd., Into which the former publications and mail order department of the TOOL Foundation has recently merged. This enterprise is a joint venture of Backhuys Publishers with the TOOL Foundation, operating independently from the latter, with offices in Leiden, The Netherlands. While remaining in close contact with the TOOL Foundation, TOOL Books expects to enhance the capacity, range and quality of its services by this new venture. In line with Backhuys subsidiaries Margraf and Pudoc-Distri, it also continues its publishing activities. Collaboration offers for co-publication and distribution are welcomed.


TOOL Books
PO Box 321
2300 AH Leiden
The Netherlands

Tel: + 31 71 515 6876
Fax: + 31 71 517 1856
E-mail: [email protected]

©Copyright: INASP 1996

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