African Journals Online

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Instructions to authors..../ Instructions aux auteurs....

Editorial policy
Contributions to Historia on aspects of South African history, methodology, historiography as well as reviews and review articles in either Afrikaans or English will be welcomed. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the editorial board or the Historical Association. Articles submitted, should also be accompanied by a brief CV with the following information: Institutional connection; most recent publication; research author is currently conducting; and E-mail address. Historia appears twice annually in May and November.

Submission of manuscripts
Manuscripts may be submitted electronically to [email protected].  It is also possible to submit manuscripts in the customary manner. If possible, articles should be prepared on an IBM DOS or WINDOWS compatible word-processing programme. All copy, including quotations and footnotes, should be in single-spaced format. Submissions on 3_” stiffies should be accompanied by three hard-copy printouts. Our preferred programme is MSWord. If other programmes are used, embedded codes should be avoided. For example, right-hand justification and word-breaks (hyphens breaking words at the end of the line) should not be used. Contributions should be printed in ordinary courier type; the use of different fonts should be avoided.

Layout and length of manuscripts
Manuscripts should be typed in single spacing on one side only of A4 sheets with margins of 2.5 cm on each side.

Title page
The first page of the manuscript should contain the following: Title of the contribution (not exceeding 15 words), name of author and name and address of institution with which the author is associated, or the author's postal address.

Short abstracts of the article (not exceeding 200 words) in both English and Afrikaans should accompany the manuscript. In the case of the abstract in the language other than that of the article, a translation of the title should serve as a starting point for the abstract.

The reference technique should follow the example of current issues of Historia. References should be placed at the bottom of each page.

Illustrations (including photographs, sketches, tables, maps) should be numbered consecutively (for example Illustrations 1-3). All figures should be identified clearly on the back. Captions should also be typed in the correct order on a separate sheet. The origin (photographer, artist, depository, source) of illustration should be mentioned. The appropriate positioning of figures should be indicated in the text.

Copyright on all published material in Historia rests with the Historical Association of South Africa.

Editorial address
Manuscripts for publication must be submitted to:

The Editor
School of Basic Sciences
Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education
Vaal Triangle Campus
P O Box 1174
1900 Vanderbijlpark
Email: [email protected]